
Adrian Rebola-Pardo

Postdoc University Assistant

Vienna University of Technology
adrian.rebola (at) tuwien.ac.at

Johannes Kepler University Linz
adrian.rebola_pardo (at) jku.at


  1. Dagstuhl Seminar 24421: SAT and Interactions (contributed talk)

  2. QUANTIFY 24 (contributed talk)

  3. SAT 2023 (contributed talk)

  4. FM 2023 (tutorial)

  5. Interpolants and interference (Haifa, Israel, 2022)
    iPRA 2022 (contributed talk)

  6. RAT elimination (online, 2021)
    LPAR-23 (contributed talk)

  7. CPP 2020 (contributed talk)

  8. FMCAD 2018 (contributed talk)

  9. Two flavors of DRAT (Oxford, UK, 2018)
    POS 2018 (contributed talk)

  10. LPAR-21 (contributed talk)

  11. DRAT Proofs for XOR Reasoning (Larnaca, Cyprus, 2016)
    JELIA 2016 (contributed talk)

  12. Automata, Logic and Games, Workshop on Constraints (tutorial)